
Trim Castle, Co. Meath

Trim Castle, Co. Meath
Trim Castle, Co. Meath

I grew up in Trim and am always aw struck by Trim Castle.  I think I am right in saying it is the largest Norman Castle in Ireland build by Hugh de Lacy and his son over a 30 year period.  I spent a lot of time there as a child and when we had visitors it was one of the places we took them to see, and somehow that has become engrained in me.  There are two places in Trim that l go to every time I am there, the church is number one, no church makes me feel the presence of God more than this church although, the Augustine church in Galway holds my heart too.  Trim church is a stunning building and the organ is magnificent I loved singing in the choir and sitting up there right beside it.  Trim Castle is the second place it has such a presence as you cross over the new bridge and now that it has been restored, you can get right up to the top when you go on the tour.   The tour is fantastic if you are up that way it is well worth doing.

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